Book trivia facts that will make you want to read a book

Books have been a fantastic source of knowledge as well as entertainment for centuries. Read the following article to discover more facts about books.

When people hear the phase ‘classic novel’ they commonly affiliate it with boring, difficult and lengthy. The boring and difficult aspect can certainly be contested – if you are not indulging in the numerous very good examples of classic literature, then you are really missing out on more than just great reading. The length part however if more than often true. There is a completely rational explanation as to why some of the greatest literary works form the past centuries often extend into hundreds and at times even thousands of pages. Though still popular today, literary magazines used to be very popular in the past couple of centuries where books, sometimes by world famous writers, would be circulated in a serial arrangement. This could go on for months and sometimes even many years, which means that once the novel was published under one cover it ended up being several hundred pages long. Today, you can enjoy an assortment of literary magazines, such as for example the one edited by Mary-Kay Wilmers.

Reading has many advantages, and one of the most good reasons for reading is needless to say the positive effect it has on your brain itself. The internet offers us lots of facts about reading and the brain but one of the most unexpected ones is that it can help you live much longer, says Sadie Trombetta. Reading trains your brain and forces it to produce more neural connections, helping your brain become even more developed. Researching has shown a link between mental stimulation and an increased length of life, one of the most interesting scientific facts about reading.

What is book publishing? It is a series of processes by which sources of information, usually in the form of books and other written press are made available to the general public. Organizations that publish assorted material are known as publishing houses. These naturally range in size and the form of material that is being published. Publishing really became popular when the printing press was created in the 15th century. Since then several copies of books could be produced cheaply and fast. Before this invention every book, believe it or not, had to be written by hand and one copy would take months and sometimes even years to produce. Back in those times, a book was a valuable possession, not only for the knowledge it offered, but also for the actual amount it cost. Only a few select individuals could afford to have well stocked libraries. Today however, modern book publishing industry provides us affordable, great quality books. Another very good thing about the modern industry is that more authors from wide and diverse areas and subjects such as Vladimir Yakunin can communicate their ideas with a larger audience.

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